Is SNAP & CLAP a non-profit organization? Yes, SNAP & CLAP is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by the standards of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Therefore, your donation may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. SNAP & CLAP - EIN 87-2056133
Is SNAP & CLAP a DayHab? No, SNAP & CLAP is a community program for adults with special needs. Anchors will be integrated and out within the community 75% of the time. We are in the community every day doing things like; movies, museums, parks, workouts, dancing, zoos, senior living homes, restaurants, and volunteering at several different places. Last year, we drove 5,100 miles and visited 85 different locations around North Texas.
Do you take state waivers? No, we do not take state waivers. It is private pay and/or donations.
What are the program days and hours, is the program year-round? We are a Mon-Thurs, 9:00 am-2:45 pm community program that runs from August through May. Use the dropdown arrow under “about us” to see our 2024-2025 calendar.
Where is SNAP & CLAP located? SNAP & CLAP is utilizing RockPointe Church (RPC) at 500 Parker Square Road in Flower Mound as its hub, drop-off, and pick-up location.
Is monthly tuition prorated for shorter months? Tuition is the same amount each month and is due on the 1st of each month. Tuition is based on the number of program days in the year and was set to be consistent each month.
Can I have a family or friend’s donation go toward my Anchor’s monthly tuition? Yes, if you have a friend, family, or a business that would like to donate to SNAP & CLAP, they may indicate that they wish it to go to a specific Anchor.
What do we do for lunches? Your Anchor will need to pack and bring lunch each day. They will need money or a card if they wish to purchase lunch out in the community on days that a restaurant is scheduled. On restaurant days, they don’t have to buy each time, they can choose to bring lunch instead.
Are there costs for activities? SNAP & CLAP pays for each Anchor’s daily community activities. There are two dues; $75 fall semester dues and $75 spring semester dues that help with supplies and group memberships.
What does a typical day look like?
8:50 - 9:05 Arrival, unpack, get settled, and talk/plan day!
9:05 - 9:40 Gym, games
9:40 - 2:00 Pack up and out in the community - See a Previous Activity Calendar
2:00 - 2:35 RPC - Activities Choice: gym, crafts, show, games
2:35 - 2:45 Pack up and depart
(We are on the go and out in the community every day. Some days we might be out 2 hours and others might be 4+hrs)
Do you accept anyone and are there any restrictions? Anchors must be successful with minimal prompting at a 1:5 ratio and be engaged in the community and activities. They must like being in the community, be able to stay with the group at all times, follow instructions, participate in most of the activities, have no elopement, and control behaviors. They must be bathroom-independent or on a schedule with little to no assistance. When accepted into the program, each Anchor goes through a trial period to make sure the program is a good fit for them and there is also proper staffing to meet all needs. We currently do not have a van with a chair lift, so Anchor must be able to be safely transported to the van and their chair capable of folding up. We have an enrollment committee that goes through and reviews each application.
When accepted, is my Anchor committed to the entire year? No, it is a month-to-month program, but a 30-day notice is required if your Anchor decides to leave the program.